brand info
Dah Ken Industrial Co., Ltd. was
initially set up to produce car
and motorcycle parts. It wasn’t
until 1990 that the company
decided to focus on the
production of front suspension
forks for bicycles.

brand info
We seriously love running.
It’s just that we don’t take ourselves that seriously as runners.
We’re not out here trying to set records.
We don’t need pricey gear to get a good sweat.
We’re just here to have some fun.
(And maybe have a beer or three when we’re done.)
rnnr began while we were on one of the raddest runs of all: Desert Rats Marathon around the Colorado River. Instead of focusing on our finish time, we found ourselves FaceTiming friends so they could come with us through the insane scenery. ‘Serious’ runners blew past us. But that race will go down as one of our best because it was then that we realized, THIS is why we run.
We do it to move our bodies, to see new places, and to meet amazing people – including each other.
We don’t run for time... We run for a good time!
You too? Rad.
Let’s go.